A historical fiction short film that recounts the CIA's involvement in Cambodia in 1970, and the chilling aftermath that followed several years later. The film is directed by Nathaniel Nuon, who is a refuge himself from the killing fields of Cambodia. The story focuses on a group of 12 secret army Cambodian soldiers trained by the CIA to take out communist Vietnamese targets inside Cambodia in order to make way for a new pro-American government "The Lon Nol coup d'etat on March 18, 1970. However once the coup is successfully executed, each member of this secret army team begins to turn up dead, as if someone is picking them off one by one. Flash forward 6 years later, the Khmer Rouge are in full power, and each day thousands of people are dying as a result. One young man escapes capture and sets out on his own personal war against the ones he feels are responsible for what is happening in his country.